Neurologic + Chronic Conditions

Hospital-to-Home Transitions


You experienced either a new injury or an exacerbation of an existing condition. Through your hospital stay, you worked hard to be ready to return home.

Your time in acute care, rehab, and/or home health may have been shorter than you needed. Or you might live in an area with limited access to therapy services, especially those specializing in neurologic conditions.

You and your family would benefit from more skilled therapy services to find a new “normal” that is functional and sustainable.

Hospital-to-home transition services meet your needs for increasing independence in your home and getting back to your life through:

  • Self-care and functional mobility training

  • Home accessibility and safety assessments

  • Family and caregiver training

  • Environmental modifications and adaptive equipment

  • Falls prevention strategies

  • Progression of strengthening exercises


Community Reintegration


Now that you are managing your basic daily routines well, you are ready to get back to other fulfilling activities and maybe even discover some new ones. You are uncertain about how changes with your physical or cognitive functioning will impact your ability to do things that you care about.

You might be wondering, “How will I…

Return to my career and creative pursuits?

Be an active and present parent to my kids?

Manage school or other environments away from home?

You have a vision for your life and goals you want to reach! I will be your coach to help problem-solve and face these new challenges with creativity. And whenever possible, we will practice skills in the real environments, so that you can feel confident.


Management of Chronic Conditions


You are living with a chronic health condition and want to find ways to live your best life while managing symptoms. Everyone has different challenges and these may include: fatigue; stress; pain; sensation changes; tremors; and changes in thinking.

We will work together to help you:

  • Have more energy and time for your valued activities and relationships

  • Learn techniques for reducing pain and other physical symptoms without medication

  • Improve your memory and organization

  • Develop a plan and practice monitoring your symptoms

  • Adjust your physical spaces and routines to make the most of each day

  • Build confidence to handle life changes and work towards your goals